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plumose 219

v3 shut down

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please can any one tell me why v3 shuts down when i put in the last mask_lco layer in,it saids v3 has to shut down.please help!

and i like to say thanks to AnIm8oR_8 for getting me this far good work sir. notworthy.gif

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It's most likely an error in one of the texture paths, CHECK EVERYTHING, RVMAT's, Layers.cfg, Project preferences-->texture folder, etc. Visitor can crash by the most minute error so check everything at least 3 times very thoroughly.

If you can't spot and error there you should try and check texture names, texture sizes and project settings.

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You only need the .PAA files in your 'data' and 'data\layers' folders for textures to be visible in Bulldozer and in-game. These will be packed into your final world.PBO addon.

Have you solved your mask_LCO import problem? Feel free to continue with the PM's if you run into any more probs.

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