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Animated Weapon Functions

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Couldn't decide if the topic fits in here on in scripting, so I hope its ok.

Is it possible to have animated functions on handheld weapons?

For example, what I am trying to have working is adjustable rifle ironsights that properly change the model so one can aim at different distances.

E.g. tap F twice to change the ironsights from 100 to 200 meters, etc and cycle back. The model doesn't have to animate smoothly just have a visible change.

If this could be possible, the possibillities would be many more...

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AFAIK you can't define custom sources for weapon model. onlu standart one (like "reload"). Thus you can't animate custom, scripted actions

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AFAIK you can't define custom sources for weapon model. onlu standart one (like "reload"). Thus you can't animate custom, scripted actions

I don't know if anyone tried it, but maybe if you'd define a custom animation for soldier in his config, use it as a controller for weapon anim and use animate command in a script to set it to 1 and 0 then maybe, just maybe, it would work.

However afaik BIS didn't need this for their models and all experiences so far show that they only implement features they intend to use in their default content, so there is just a 10% chance this will work (if this is how they defined default sources, but we don't have config.cpp so we cannot check).

If this won't work - probably nothing will.

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