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is there a way to change extra armor given?

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In difficulty modes you can check whether or not you want extra armor. Is there a way to change how much extra armor you are given?

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Moving as this question has nothing to do with Addons or Mods.

To answer the question: No, there is no way to define how much body armor you have.

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I think the mod misunderstood the nature of the question. In the difficulty options of the game there is an "Extra Armor 0/1" Option. The Biki describes it's behavior as:

[unable find at this moment]

Anyway, I believe his question was how to Mod the amount of extra "armor/hitpoints/whatever it does" to tanks/people/etc, hence the forum.

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yeah how to mod the amount. It shouldn't be in general. But since there is no way to mod it, it doesn't realy matter.

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