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Help needed again

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We're going to play OFP with FFUR 2007 as LAN game the next weekend, and I got the job for creating some missions.

So far so good, but I would like to add some empty respawning vehicles to my CTF missions. How can I make that happen, and is it even possible?

Thanks in advance.

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You have quite a short amount of time for creating missions.

I recommend you take existing CTF missions and adjust them to your liking, or use them as they are.

For spawning vehicles, familiarize yourself with the createVehicle scripting command. Spawn one vehicle in mission start. Check from time to time if it is still usable or has been abandoned for long-enough time. If not usable, spawn a new one and delete the old wreck. If abandoned but usable, just setPos the vehicle to where you want.

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