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Barry Scott

Flashpoint 2

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My internet's been dead for a while so i've only just found out about the press release for ArmA2, and the meaty video from codemasters showcasing OFP2. From the little i've seen of ArmA2 it looks very similar to ArmA in effects, graphics and feel. After seeing the vid for Ofp2 i think the graphics look superior, the effects (like that exploding Abrams) are also nice, and the general ambiance of the game like the jet screeching over head and the birds and insects buzzing around far more realisticly than in ArmA.

Is anyone else as wooed as i am by the evil codemaster's new game?

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It does look pretty damn good so far. Can't tell much from a rendered video though. One thing it does appear to have a taste for is atmosphere, which will make it killer if the programmers have their head screwed on. The old CWC atmosphere is something that I think a lot of us OFP vets consider ArmA to be sadly lacking.

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