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Game Performance

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I have just bought my new gaming machine!!! it comes with 2gigs of RAM, CORE 2 DUO at 2ghz, and the nVidia 8600GT.

To my surprise, the game demo (v1.06) runs at 16-20 fps at low-medium graphics quality, and at 1024x768...

Is this normal for such a "breath taking" graphics card? huh.gif

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Its a bit on the slow side, tried new drivers and the usual scanning for virusses/defragmenting etc, and the -maxmem command and disabled your pagefile? smile_o.gif

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well, the machine is 45minutes old, so i dont think i have many viruses biggrin_o.gif....

i didnt understand the page file and those... can you repeat? thanks!

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i didnt understand the page file and those... can you repeat? thanks!

Well i have a dutch version of windows so i have to guess the english translations.

right mouse button on 'this PC'->properties->advanced->(the highest button, the one with 'visual effects' and other stuff)->advanced->change->no pagefile->change->OK->reboot.

If it still doesnt work properly:

Right mouse button on your ArmA shortcut->properties->shortcut->and in the target box add after the last " the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> -maxmem=

After the = a number like 256, 512, 1024 etc etc. (And dont forget the space between " and - )

This often has a positive effect for 8x00 users. smile_o.gif

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