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plumose 219

map shape

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is there anyway i can get a island shape in vis 3,like different angles instead of just square smile_o.gif thanks

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I suggest you try not to create the terrain heightfield in Visitor but in some other program which is more suited for the task.

You could maybe import heighfield data into Visitor. The heightfield data could have been generated from real terrain (google for DEM for starters). There are programs which can be used to generate a heightfield. Or you could have drawn a heightfield bitmap in an image editing program and create the terrain heightfield from that.

Go to http://www.ofpec.com/ and read all tutorials from that website related to island creation. There is a lot of information. OFPEC also has some tools related to heightfields.

Basically ofpec.com has the information you need to get started. Also read the Visitor 2 tutorial from the BIS Breathe website.

Oh, one more thing. WrpTool from the Operation Flashpoint section of http://tactical.nekromantix.com/ comes with a manual you want to read. It has information which can help you understand the terrain creation process. It has for example a "HOW TO CREATE TERRAIN" section which mentions some tools. Read that.

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