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Is anyone making an LAV-25? Would be great to know.


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Not until the tools are released we cant do much, ill be sure to make one once the tools come out on the first day. wink_o.gif

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Well... Tools are out, you've got til the end of the day!! rofl.gif

Completely joking. Wow, you sure did time that response well. You should have said something about making one of these months ago. You mentioned the tools and POW!!... Here they are, they listened! rofl.gif


C'mon, let the mods deal with policing the forums. BTW, notice rule 5 and 17.

Yup, I'm in violation too. Sorry for moving off topic, guys.

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Will Try.

By the way, not to be a butt head, It was a simple question, not a request.

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wth,  I thought one was just released as this topic is in A&M complete !!

You need to put requests in this topic:


Also notice and study the black line of text above the list of topics called Forum Rules !!!!


wow your an ass, let the mods do that

Wth...why you calling me names? How is that being an ass?

Helping newcomers

I was excited , thought a Lav25 was released. But turned out to be a request.

Excited and then let down , I am so sorry

Natural reaction, and I am quick on posting links to help people. I wasn't trying to be offensive , only helpful

You obviously misinterpreted my reply , but yours is obvious

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