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I want a squad to defend against a large army the army will keep coming until a certain amount of the attacking army has been killed then I want the attacking army to retreat and the mission to end. I want to do that but I have no idea how to do that so how do I do it.

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Give the enemies a waypoint behind your lines, then

use a trigger called TrigEnemyRemain that counts how many enemies remain inside of it, make the trigger OPFOR, Present, Switch and trigger-once only.

then in the condition put

(count thislist)<20

then when less than 20 enemies exist the trigger could call a script from it's activation line, and use the following commands to effect the retreat from within the script




and lookup getMarkerPos so you could use a marker to change where they run to easier.

The marker will be a simple way to redirect the enemies, although they probably won't disengage from fighting until you use the allowFleeing as well...

to address all guys in the enemy side for this use the line below:

{_x allowFleeing 1;}forEach (list TrigEnemyRemain);

Can't write any more specific as I have no idea how many waypoints etc you have.

Hope this will help you achieve the effect you want.

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