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Better use of ai friendlies in coop

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Just saying this so that I might inspire future mp mission makers.

What I most of the time see in most coops is 8-15 guys fighting over 200 inf.

Realisticly speaking this is nearly impossible. ( unless respawn is on)

But I have seen missions where they filled up this gap with friendly ai units. But these always acted on scripts wich most of the times just ruined the experience.

I have seen this one mission where we had to jump out a chopper blow up the defence turrets making a free way for the tanks to reach the town. But this is what happened the chopper took out the turrets and the tanks got to the towns before we reached it causing a lot of losses on our side and eventually mission was over without us even firing 1 round. And in other missions the ai was stationary in a bad position or because of a bug they stopped moving after first way point.

Then a comerade of mine came with quite a good plan in his mission he made several ai platoons and only made the officer slot playable. So even with only 5 people on the server there was a good war going on. 4 human players took the special forces slots and 1 guy took the platoon slot and putted his squad into tanks to make a tank platoon. Now because the tanks werent scripted but controlled there was a better cooperation between the tanks and the human players. So the experience was better ( not as good if all were human players though wink_o.gif )

Well its just something I wanted to share since I love giant operations and I am a great fan of cti but it just doesnt seem to work out since inactivity on it on arma. So closest thing to this large cooperation against the enemy ( cti ) is a coop but ussually these maps contain a small force versus a giant force while arma is capable of much more.

I have had my share of good large operations its just that these events dont happen often. So with this i hope I opened some eyes of good mp missionmakers and I pray to god i posted this in the right section.

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Although we're not quite up and running at the moment [our server is in the process of being moved to the colo], we at Zeus play the type of missions you're describing.

Our OFP coops usually involved forces of about a platoon of humans mixed with AI and our A&Ds ['PvP Coop', you could call it] were the same, with each side being about a platoon and made up of humans and AI. For Armed Assault, we're hoping to see about including company sized forces in our games. And with the aid of the Chain of Command Command Engine we're hoping to eliminate the crap tactical AI by having human intelligence behind the enemy- using CEX to control the enemy force in a coop game.

The inclusion of AI in games takes a bit of getting used to and even us, who've been doing it for a couple of years, still occasionally rage at the AI; but the sense of scale created and the new level of tactics to employ makes it worth it. Human 5 man vs red army gets tiring.

If anyone's interested, hop along to: http://zeus-community.net

Skip directly to the forums, we haven't finished our new website yet :P

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Good to know. I will be having a look on ur game server and forum soon smile_o.gif

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