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Demo Won't Run?

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Hello everyone. My first post here so apologies if it ends up in the wrong place.

Hope you can help me. Have downloaded the demo version, and it won't run. It's concerning as I have the full game on order due to be delivered in a couple of days and if I can't run the demo then I worry that I won't be able to run the full game

My PC:


AMD 64 4400 X2 (AC 64 Ultra cooled)

7900GT 512mb (Latest Drivers)

250gb WD HD, 2 gb Crucial Ram,

Creative X-FI Extreme Music (Latest Drivers)

I get a small grey box with little tick boxes that fill up and then get this error:

Appname: armademo.exe


Modname: unknown


Offset: 76724449

I really hope you can help me! huh.gifhuh.gifhuh.gif

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I had a long battle with this (for both the demo and then when I purchased the game). The short version of the story for me was it turned out to be the nVida All-in-one chipset drivers for my mobo.

But in the months that I tried various fixes, I had seen people usually solve the issue with driver updates (video card, sound card or onboard sound, AopenAL, DirX install, etc, ).

About the only advice I give is.....update *everything*.

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Thanks Thirdup.

I have been through all the recommended advice on the forums that i can find for this problem. I still haven't resolved it. All the drivers are up to date bar the mobo ones.

I've yet to disable the X-Fi and resort to motherboard on board sound which I will do tomorrow.

Surprising how much effort one has to go to get the demo to work - is the full game (which comes in the post in the next few days) patchable to eliminate these problems? I hope so! icon_rolleyes.gifcrazy_o.gif

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Surprising how much effort one has to go to get the demo to work - is the full game (which comes in the post in the next few days) patchable to eliminate these problems?

I wish I could tell you that the disc version of the game might solve you issue. It didn't for me.

Stick with trying to solve it. It's a great game and worth the effort.

I shouldn't really say anything more. They are watching. Such conversations...disappear.

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