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cant play in same server with 2 pcs behind router

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:hlp:I have 2 pc's behind a router "Linksys WRT54G" and two Brand new Combat Operations DVD games from walmart. "

So dont ask if im using the same key"

So my problem is we cant play in the same server 1 pc can get in but when the other joins the server that pc 1 is in it gives connection issues and boots us and the 2nd pc cant connect. We both play fine in different servers at same time just cant be the same one. This really blows as that was the entire purpose of getting two games so my boys can play together.

Anyone have any ideas huh.gif

each PC has its own ip 1) 2)

thanks for the help

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It's more than likely the router. The games does not use TCP connections but uses UDP. The router probably is getting confused where to send the packets to. There are reasons linksys is cheap.

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thos IP's are LAN IP's, you actual IP is nothing like that.

the server is seeing your real world IP, not the IP assigned by your router.

so the server see's 2 clients with the same IP addy, this is what is probably causing your issues connecting to the same server.

you might be able to get round it using the -port= switch if that works for the client exe and port forwarding the relevant ports to the right router IP's, this way the server will see 2 clients connecting from the same IP but with different ports, 1 on 2302 and one on 2400 for example, it should then be able to sort out the right info for each player, but i can't guaruntee this.

as it stands with 2 clients joining from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2302 u got no chance.

check out teh wiki for -port= help

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I tested my router and i was able to get 3 users behind the same router playing ARMA on the same server but

But = DLINK Router with all Ports Opened and Forwarded

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yeah i think d-link own thats what we had before and it worked like a champ never no problems. but i gave it to my dad and got this one and nothing but problems for gaming with it.

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It might be a bit harder to set up but any modern router should allow basically the same functionality. You will probably have to read up on setting up games behind a router on a page like portforward.com

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I have had 3 users behind a IPCop firewall connecting to the same server. And I didn't have to do anything special for it to work.. no port forwarding or opening ports.. since the traffic is started form the inside.. (and is on ports above 1024).. But If I want to host I need to port forward as then its incoming traffic to the server..

One thing that can happened, (especially on small, "cheap" firewalls/routers) is that the NAT connection tracking gets borked. (Never seen it with just 2-3 clients behind it thought)

If you use NAT/masquerading (as you use 192.168.x.x addresses I assume you do) the router handles the connections and if you enable port forwarding then things will go nuts.. as all incoming packet for both machines will end up in the machine that the forwarding is enabled for..

I would also make sure that I ran the latest firmware in that WRT54G..

Quote[/b] ]

thos IP's are LAN IP's, you actual IP is nothing like that.

the server is seeing your real world IP, not the IP assigned by your router.

so the server see's 2 clients with the same IP addy, this is what is probably causing your issues connecting to the same server.

you might be able to get round it using the -port= switch if that works for the client exe and port forwarding the relevant ports to the right router IP's, this way the server will see 2 clients connecting from the same IP but with different ports, 1 on 2302 and one on 2400 for example, it should then be able to sort out the right info for each player, but i can't guaruntee this.

as it stands with 2 clients joining from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:2302 u got no chance.

It doesnt work like that.. Its partly true that the server sees the same IP.. However the packets are slightly different so your router then can forward them to the right machine on the "inside". It all works in the end because each network interface have its own unique mac address..

The server only LISTEN on port 2302 (or which ever port the arma server is configured to use).. all clients have to connect to 2302 to use the server.. but If you set up 2 servers on either the same machine or behind 1 firewall with port forwarding you will need to configure the servers to use different ports..

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