nickk13579 0 Posted July 25, 2007 I've been using the On map click Artillery by SoLo, and noticed that all units on West have the ability to use the radio to call in artillery. I want to make it so that only designated units can use the artillery, such as a team leader. What do i need to change? Here is the arty.sqs script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; OnMapClick Artillery v1.0 ; --------------------------- ; Exit if busy ?busy and !order_fire : exit ; First Check if arty is available: ?!alive arty_unit : goto "ARTY_DEAD" ;------------------------------ ;----------Begin Menu---------- ;------------------------------ _radio = _this select 0 ?menu == 0 : goto "RADIO0" ?menu == 1 : goto "RADIO1" ?menu == 2 : goto "RADIO2" ?menu == 3 : goto "RADIO3" ?menu == 4 : goto "RADIO4" exit ;----------Default Menu---------- #MENU0 1 setradiomsg "Mark Target" 2 setradiomsg "null" 3 setradiomsg "null" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" menu = 0 exit #RADIO0 ?_radio == "A" : goto "SET_TARGET" exit ;----------Mark Target Menu---------- #MENU1 1 setradiomsg "Target Marked" 2 setradiomsg "Clear Target" 3 setradiomsg "null" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" menu = 1 exit #RADIO1 ?_radio == "A" : goto "MENU2" ?_radio == "B" : goto "CLEAR" exit ;----------Fire Menu---------- #MENU2 shell_type = "SHELL" onmapsingleclick "nil" 1 setradiomsg "Single Salvo" 2 setradiomsg "Fire for Effect" 3 setradiomsg "Smoke on Target" 4 setradiomsg "Light up Target" 5 setradiomsg "Drop AT Mines" 6 setradiomsg "Clear Target" menu = 2 exit #RADIO2 1 setradiomsg "Stand By" 2 setradiomsg "null" 3 setradiomsg "null" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" menu = nil ?_radio == "A" : goto "FIRE_SINGLE" ?_radio == "B" : goto "OPEN_FIRE" ?_radio == "C" : goto "SET_SMOKE" ?_radio == "D" : goto "SET_FLARE" ?_radio == "E" : goto "SET_MINE" ?_radio == "F" : goto "CLEAR" exit ;----------Cease Fire Menu---------- #MENU3 1 setradiomsg "Stand By" 2 setradiomsg "null" 3 setradiomsg "null" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" menu = nil ~random shell_load arty_unit sidechat "Holding fire..." ~shell_delay order_fire = false exit #RADIO3 ?_radio == "A" : goto "MENU3" exit ;---------------------------- ;----------End Menu---------- ;---------------------------- ;----------Set Target---------- #SET_TARGET onmapsingleclick "arty_target setmarkerpos _pos" ?order_fire : exit goto "MENU1" ;----------Clear Target---------- #CLEAR arty_target setmarkerpos [0,0] goto "MENU0" ;----------Fire Single Salvo---------- #FIRE_SINGLE busy = true ?shell_type == "SHELL" : _goto_fire = "FIRE_SHELL" ?shell_type == "MINE" : _goto_fire = "FIRE_MINE" ?shell_type == "SMOKE" : _goto_fire = "FIRE_SMOKE" ?shell_type == "FLARE" : _goto_fire = "FIRE_FLARE" _mx = getmarkerpos arty_target select 0 _my = getmarkerpos arty_target select 1 _return = "READY_SINGLE" goto "CHECK_AMMO" #READY_SINGLE ~random shell_load ?shell_type == "SHELL" : arty_unit sidechat "Roger, firing single salvo..." ?shell_type == "MINE" : arty_unit sidechat "Roger, dropping mines..." ?shell_type == "SMOKE" : arty_unit sidechat "Roger, dropping smoke..." ?shell_type == "FLARE" : arty_unit sidechat "Roger, lighting up the area..." _return = "END_SINGLE" ~shell_delay goto _goto_fire #END_SINGLE busy = false goto "MENU2" ;----------Continuous Fire---------- #OPEN_FIRE busy = true 1 setradiomsg "Cease Fire" 2 setradiomsg "null" 3 setradiomsg "null" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" menu = 3 _return = "READY_OPEN" goto "CHECK_AMMO" #READY_OPEN order_fire = true ~random shell_load arty_unit sidechat "Firing away..." ~1 arty_unit sidechat "Make target adjustments as necessary." _return = "ARTY_LOOP" ~shell_delay onmapsingleclick "arty_target setmarkerpos _pos" #ARTY_LOOP _mx = getmarkerpos arty_target select 0 _my = getmarkerpos arty_target select 1 ~random shell_load ?!order_fire : goto "END_ARTY_LOOP" goto "FIRE_SHELL" #END_ARTY_LOOP busy = false goto "MENU2" ;----------Check Ammo---------- #CHECK_AMMO ?shell_type == "SHELL" : _count = count_shell; _empty = "NO_SHELL" ?shell_type == "MINE" : _count = count_mine; _empty = "NO_MINE" ?shell_type == "SMOKE" : _count = count_smoke; _empty = "NO_SMOKE" ?shell_type == "FLARE" : _count = count_flare; _empty = "NO_FLARE" ?_count < 1 : goto _empty goto _return ;----------Fire Artillery Rounds---------- #FIRE_SHELL _gun = arty_salvo #SHELL_LOOP ?!alive arty_unit : goto "ARTY_DEAD" _randx = random radius_shell _randy = random radius_shell _z = 50 _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _x = _mx + _randx ?_randz < 1 : _x = _mx - _randx _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _y = _my + _randy ?_randz < 1 : _y = _my - _randy _fire = shell createvehicle [_x,_y,_z] count_shell = count_shell - 1 ?count_shell < 1 : goto "NO_SHELL" ~random 1 _gun = _gun - 1 ?_gun > 0 : goto "SHELL_LOOP" goto _return ;----------Drop AT Mines---------- #SET_MINE shell_type = "MINE" goto "FIRE_SINGLE" #FIRE_MINE _gun = num_mine #MINE_LOOP ?!alive arty_unit : goto "ARTY_DEAD" _randx = random radius_mine _randy = random radius_mine _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _x = _mx + _randx ?_randz < 1 : _x = _mx - _randx _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _y = _my + _randy ?_randz < 1 : _y = _my - _randy _fire = "mine" createvehicle [_x,_y] count_mine = count_mine - 1 ?count_mine < 1 : goto "NO_MINE" ~random 1 _gun = _gun - 1 ?_gun > 0 : goto "MINE_LOOP" goto _return ;----------Fire Smoke---------- #SET_SMOKE shell_type = "SMOKE" goto "FIRE_SINGLE" #FIRE_SMOKE _gun = num_smoke #SMOKE_LOOP ?!alive arty_unit : goto "ARTY_DEAD" _randx = random radius_smoke _randy = random radius_smoke _z = 100 _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _x = _mx + _randx ?_randz < 1 : _x = _mx - _randx _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _y = _my + _randy ?_randz < 1 : _y = _my - _randy _fire = smoke_type createvehicle [_x,_y,_z] count_smoke = count_smoke - 1 ?count_smoke < 1 : goto "NO_SMOKE" ~random 1 _gun = _gun - 1 ?_gun > 0 : goto "SMOKE_LOOP" goto _return ;----------Fire Flare---------- #SET_FLARE shell_type = "FLARE" goto "FIRE_SINGLE" #FIRE_FLARE _gun = num_flare #FLARE_LOOP ?!alive arty_unit : goto "ARTY_DEAD" _randx = random radius_flare _randy = random radius_flare _z = 150 _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _x = _mx + _randx ?_randz < 1 : _x = _mx - _randx _randz = random 2 ?_randz >= 1 : _y = _my + _randy ?_randz < 1 : _y = _my - _randy _fire = flare_type createvehicle [_x,_y,_z] count_flare = count_flare - 1 ?count_flare < 1 : goto "NO_FLARE" ~random 1 _gun = _gun - 1 ?_gun > 0 : goto "FLARE_LOOP" goto _return ;----------Out of Shell Ammo---------- #NO_SHELL ~random shell_load arty_unit sidechat "All ammo depleted!" busy = false order_fire = false goto "MENU2" ;----------Out of AT Mine's---------- #NO_MINE ~random shell_load arty_unit sidechat "All mines have been droped!" busy = false goto "MENU2" ;----------Out of Smoke---------- #NO_SMOKE ~random shell_load arty_unit sidechat "All smoke shells depleted!" busy = false goto "MENU2" ;----------Out of Flare's---------- #NO_FLARE ~random shell_load arty_unit sidechat "All flares depleted!" busy = false goto "MENU2" ;----------Arty is Dead---------- #ARTY_DEAD 1 setradiomsg "null" 2 setradiomsg "null" 3 setradiomsg "null" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" menu = nil onmapsingleclick "nil" exit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasad 1 Posted July 26, 2007 setRadioMsg can be used to prevent specific units from activating radio triggers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kinismo 0 Posted July 28, 2007 I have also question concerning this script: I made MP mission with this and it seems that artillery strikes x many times as there are players even only 1 player activates it. So how can i prevent that so it only activates once? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nickk13579 0 Posted July 28, 2007 I have not noticed that.. Maybe i should check it out. You can probably get into the script and change it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fasad 1 Posted July 29, 2007 It sounds like the script is being executed on all clients, since it appears the artillery is called by radio triggers. You need to make sure the part of the script that uses createVehicle is only executed on the server. I made an artillery command dialog for 1.05, I should finish it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LtCmdrBoon 0 Posted July 29, 2007 I know I know!!! Finally lol i know something, ok.... make a sqs, call it radiocheck or something, then into it put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?(name player) == (name Moore): Goto "OKPLAYER" ;clear for all others 1 setradiomsg "NULL" 2 setradiomsg "NULL" 3 setradiomsg "NULL" 4 setradiomsg "NULL" 5 setradiomsg "NULL" 6 setradiomsg "NULL" 7 setradiomsg "NULL" 8 setradiomsg "NULL" exit #OKPLAYER 1 setradiomsg "Broken Arrow" 2 setradiomsg "Broken Arrow" 3 setradiomsg "Broken Arrow" In the example above it's so Colonel Moore is the only guy able to call a Broken arrow. Change so it fits Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nickk13579 0 Posted July 29, 2007 tried all sorts of ways.. i dont think putting it in a seperate script will work because i have a feeling they will conflict. Is there any way to put what you have given me into the script above, so that it checks if the player is "x" and then allows it to move forward? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
{USI}_Zombie 0 Posted August 4, 2007 here is how I do your init.sqs use 1 setradiomsg "null". Then make a trigger, and using groups (F2), group the trigger to the group leader. Then inside the trigger, set the activation to "Group Leader", in the on activation use 1 setradiomsg "call my script". Then make another trigger, activation Radio Alpha, on activation [] exec "myscript.sqs" Hope this helps............. All works fine for me, except I have a west and an east set up as described, with east on radio bravo...problem is both the east and the west squad leaders see and can activate both radios...any ideas about that? I use it with Mr. Murrays arty script and have no other problems Share this post Link to post Share on other sites