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Teammates smoke crack?

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hey i just started playing the campegin game and like every mission all my teammates get killed i mean not one of them live i have it on easy just there such crack heads i think it really starts getting gay when they all die at the begining of the mission i mean in campegin the west ai really sucks sorry to say =( wow.gifwow.gifwow.gif or am i just doing something wrong?

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not really...I find them kinda smart....

but hey!

there's no game where the bots are soo smart they read you're mind and beat you!

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I think the early missions have the west AI skill slider lower to represent the soldiers being "greens" and rookies.

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I would say that they all smoked weed, notice when you are in the back of a truck with your squad it looks like they are smoking, and they just sit there starring at you, kinda creepy actually......

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ahahahhahaha!!!! they do dude!!!! remember the pyscho guy not the medic the other one he looks sooooo fucking stoned

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Feb. 19 2002,21:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">rather them than me<span id='postcolor'>


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Spotting targets will greatly improve the efficiency of the AI, and is IMHO one of the most important tasks when playing as part of a squad in OFP.

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I think it depends on what you do. It's just like in reallity, every member is important for the squad, if you do your job, like spotting the enemy, killing some of them or driving their fire at you, your teammates will cover you and do much more to the success of the mission, but if you just hide in a bush and let them fight...

It's not an attack on you I'm speaking generally: at the beggining I lost all my squad in the mission "Alert" (where your officer is ambushed), just because I was behind my group, the second time, I took many of the enemies at the beggining, and haven't lost a soldier.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (I)eaI)Eye1809 @ Feb. 20 2002,06:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ahahahhahaha!!!! they do dude!!!! remember the pyscho guy not the medic the other one he looks sooooo fucking stoned<span id='postcolor'>

Was it Fowley? He has a huge mouth and he does look stoned!

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I'll answer when you learn how to use periods.

That was one clusterfuck of a sentence you had there, and I cannot be bothered to spend my brainpower deciphering it. I can, however, be bothered with pointing it out to you. tounge.gif

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well i try to be important to the sqaud also i try to play as realstic as possible even in single player i dont like it if i loose men even if they are just AI... lol i even do radio taunts in single player but i try to save all my teammates by taking out enemys shooting at them but its hard when they start running around and try targeting them when they are about 400m away... like that mission i think it was the 2nd one were your sposed to clear the 2nd city well we took care of it with little casulties but when they rolled in the t72s everyone said fall back retreat but nooooooo my crackheaded commander was staring at it for like a min then he was 3 target t72 then we shot at it.... then.... well.... it wasnt very pretty for us

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Yeah. I know what you mean. If you are not the unit leader. There is not too much you can do other than try to kill as many enemies as you can.

It's up your commander to assure that you and your comrades successfully complete the mission and with few casualties. So just do as he says and hope that he makes the right decisions.

Sometimes the guy who is in charge of your squad is just an idiot. I remember several instances where I could distinctively remember my leader making bad decisions and the result was some of my comrades died.

In the campaign, as soon as I got to be incharge of my own men, my men rarely died. Usually in a mission, if I had 10 men, only about 1 or 2 would get killed. Sometimes none. And that's just pure dumb chance.

Most of the time I am strategic enough to launch a good assault and win easily.

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Another specific reason why most of the time your teamates dye so quick when you are not in charge is because most of the time your leader will designate targets for you to hit.

I know it makes sense if you are an AT soldier and he needs an enemy tank destroyed, but to choose targets for all his soldiers is a bad idea.

For one it makes the soldier focus on a target that no longer may be threat or close by. And it makes them not notice other more dangerous threats around them.

What I do is whenever I am in charge is to keep my men in strategic areas in the battlefield and let them either "open fire" or just "engage at will". It depends on the situation. And usually I will personally take out specific "dangerous" threats.

This way they usually take out targets that are most accessible/ close by naturally by their own judgement, and therefore lets them kill the most dangerous/near by threats, and they continue to attack onward to the least dangerous enemies who are more in the peripherial.

I feel that this is the most effective strategy basically.

Of course there are always exceptions.

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