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Homer Johnston

titlecut/cuttext/titletext fade time

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... two dumb questions in one day, look at me go!

Case scenario:

cutText ["","black out",5]  

If I use the above command/syntax, it does black out, but it only takes 1 second, not the 5 specced.

banghead.gif ?

Other than that I've got all the cutscene stuff figured out again... I used to know all this stuff for flashpoint... about 3-5 years ago... lol. Must be hitting my midlife crisis because lately I'm trying to make a Sahrani Virus tounge2.gif (the last OFP mission I made was Nogova Virus Part 1)

help greatly thanked!

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Bug. Worked fine in OFP but isn't taken into account in ArmA anymore. Redefine the Rsc's in your description.ext under namespace-class "RscTitles". According attributes are "fadein" and "fadeout" measured in seconds.

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Doh... two minor snags and both bugs... ok, thanks, guess I ought to go look in the bug list before I post any other snags I find.

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