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Thanks Bohemia and 505 games

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A friend of me can't play more on Arma.The cause? Someone have stolen is cd-key on his computer or somewhere.

My friend have mailing BI for know how receive another cd-key. Their answer is: No new cd-key for people !!! If your cdkey was stolen it's your fault.The only way for play is to re-buy the game ...

I think i'm going to stop to play arma because i can't caution this marketting politic !!!

Sorry for my english but i'm french and too bad in Shakespeare language lol

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Well duh, otherwise everyone would email them for new keys without even buying the game. Every game company handles CD-key issues like this.

Remember that you buy a license to play the game, not the game itself, that license is in form of your CD-key.

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Well duh, otherwise everyone would email them for new keys without even buying the game. Every game company handles CD-key issues like this.

Remember that you buy a license to play the game, not the game itself, that license is in form of your CD-key.

Yes but they've just to take my friend's game and sell another new with a valid cd-key.

I see marketting on this way ...

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Guest Ti0n3r

He should send a mail to the publisher with proof that his copy is valid. He should also explain everything in detail to them. They should treat him fair huh.gif

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why are you blameing BI??

Bi is the game Develper not the game publisher.

Develper = makes the game and pactches it.

Publisher = Boxes the games up sells the games. deals with Custermer support.

blame 505 or what ever version you got.

who ever you talked to did not know what you thay are talking about.

if you have the boxed version open the game up look at the cd it self in the iner circle of the disk thare are numbers thare that is the series of the disk then go to the back of the box and grab upc and serial number e-mail teh publisher not bi that and you will get a new key. also if you have a recipt it helps.

and how exacly is someone stealing his key bi fault or 505/atari? how was it stolen? did youre house get robed?

did someone rob youre house just ot get a armed-assult key rofl.gif

or did someone hack his e-mail account with the direct to download copy? and btw how old are you

and also evry single Publisher in evry single pc game market does the same thing about cd-keys so deal with it or play console.

i practly made the system on cd-keys whistle.gif


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