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Intro logo

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Could anyone please explain to me how to make a logo show up in a intro?

i've made a logo in .paa format, and need it to show during the intro i made for a mp mission. crazy_o.gifbanghead.gif

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Create a file called "description.ext" in your missions folder. In there you put the following lines

class RscTitles


class RscIntroLogo


idd = -1;

movingEnable = 0;

duration = 10;

controlsBackground[ ]={ introLogo };

controls[ ]={ };

class introLogo


idc = -1;

type = 0;

style = 48;

font = "TahomaB";

<span style='color:blue'>text = "mylogo.paa";</span>

colorBackground[ ]={ 0,0,0,0 };

colorText[ ]={ 1,1,1,1 };

sizeEx = 0.1;

<span style='color:blue'>x = 0;

y = 0;

w = 1;

h = 1;</span>




Into your init.sqf you put a instruction

titleRsc[ "RscIntroLogo","PLAIN" ];

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Thanks ManDay, thats almost the same i've been trying. I got a little further this time, but now arma crashes saying:

"Cannot create system surface memory"

can this happen because the .paa image size is to big? the size of image is 512X512px and filesize is 102KB

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