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mc sonar

higher viewdistance for lights?possible?

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is it possible to make lights dont disapear? is it possible to make them visible and brighter if im 1000m away from them?

there was a game 100years ago (a-10 attack:love:) for macintosh- i played this one many times and the best thing were the night-missions cause of the great view-distance and you saw cars driving through the town-streets and street lamps over a distance of 1000m.

is there a way to realize it in arma so i can fly without nv-googles ?


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Please search, as detailed by Suma it's a matter of concurrent light source count, not light rendering distance.

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but what if lights change to textures which are not affected by the light of the game engine? if lights turning to textures when LOD is going down so that there are little white or yellow or whatever textures at the place of the lights-

hopefully you understand my lousy english:)

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