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Anyone up for making a mission?

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Hey there.

I find so hard to do all this scripting and what not, but I have so many ideas for a good online mission.

If you're up for a little challenge, and you're a good scripter, will you help me then?

I can send my mission to you over email, just PM me. Please.

Thank you very much.

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Why don't you try and post some of those mission ideas right here?

If they are any good, i am sure you would find some people willing to help.

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First, and very important, I want to have an ability to recruit soldiers? Say me and my buddies move out and link up with some soldiers at an airbase or something?


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You could use waypoints for that. Just waypoint to a town and put the guys you wanna meet with a waypoint to the same place with the type as "Join"

hit f5 so switch to syncro mode and click on the one groups Join WP and move the mouse till its on your groups move WP and release mouse button. there should be a line between the two WP's . The group will join up to yours when both WPs are met.

This will work as a one time thing. The scripts will allow you to replenish the guys if you want to go back again. Or they could do radio messages for story. and/or move the camera around for a cutscene just make it more sophisticated and can fire off the WPs or replace the WPs alltogether.

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