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Quick draw Officer M16?

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The officer starts with just a pistol. I would like to make a mission where they start with an M16. I have no problems giving them M16s on respawn. The only problem is the game goes into this long animation of them taking it from their shoulders, and if you move forward before it finishes, the game goes back to where you are animated as holding a pistol. Is there a way to finish the drawing of the M16 primary weapon safely in a MP environment?

Thanks for the help!


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Could you not use the:- removeallweapons thing in the init and add the m16 + mags ?

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He starts with a pistol, then my script runs 0.0000001 sec later, so he has to move from that anim to the M16 primaryWeapon anim.


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Lol sorry thought it would be a bit more complicated than that! smile_o.gif

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Maybe you could remove the pistol and add the m16 on the spawn and add the pistol a very short time after. This way there is no pistol position to go back to.

It sounds like you want this unit to spawn holding the rifle just as normal. I thought the officer does this allready unless Im completely confused.

I loved Enemyspawn BTW.


Oh wait thats probably just the same as allready presented....hmm maybe check the WP behaviours by giving the units different WP behaviour types. I remember setting a waypoint in a RES mission with "safe" and every time I disembarked the M16 was on my back instead of "quick draw" as I wanted to be.

Also try:

disableUserInput true for the time you need the animation to finish.

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I dont think there is a way honestly. The default officer always has a pistol selected. Unless you make a new officer addon that doesnt have a pistol selected your stuck with that animation if you select any weapon that isnt a pistol.

I just chucked a rifle on my officers back and had done with it.

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Thanks TJ72.

Also, I found the solution. Add _obj switchmove "" right after you equip them. Now officer spawns with an M16 selected perfectly.


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