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prevent createvehicled crew to always face north?

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this is a strange problem and i didnt find anything on the searches:

in my mission, i generate a vehicle and the crew for it, then move them into their positions. Then the vehicle turret turns north (even if i setFormdir the group and/or setDir the vehicle) and stays there for as long as the vehicle encounters the first enemy.

I also tried with domove some pos and sent the tank around some hills and he drives normally but the turret always stays focused to 0 degree sad_o.gif

code is about this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


_vehicle = createVehicle [_class, _deploypos, [], 0, "FORM"];

_vehicle setDir (markerdir ((_duallist select _squadindex) select 0));

[_vehicle,_groupname] call Deploy_BoardVehicle;


and in deploybaordvehic:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


((units _groupname1) select 0) assignasdriver _veh;

((units _groupname1) select 0) moveindriver _veh;

((units _groupname1) select 1) assignasgunner _veh;

((units _groupname1) select 1) moveingunner _veh;


_veh setVehicleLock "LOCKED";


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I can almost bet the vehicle has no fuel?

Myself and a fellow map editor found this problem.

We set down a manned T72, no fuel. It faced north.

After we added a tiny amount of fuel, it worked normally.

Ps: Also try changing the formation/awareness "combat, stealth etc ".

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it is definitely not fuel since the vehicles drive around normally

i guess it cant be formation/mode but i will try, thanks smile_o.gif

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Do you want it to face something or lining the turret with the vehicle.

in the first case, perhaps

(gunner _veh) doWatch (getPos someObject);

will do the trick

in the latter case, it requires some math, but its doable.

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all i want is normal tank/etc... behaviour

its not normal that a unit always faces north until it encounters an enemy.

there is also a marker attached to vehicles, so if turret looks north it always is directed to 0°, even when the vehicle moves in another direction the marker points north - this is not acceptable

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I was looking for this yesterday too. It is very strange for the gunner to turn north like that. When you set a manned tank down in the editor and watch him he doesn't turn north, he just stays facing the same way the tank does, which is what you would expect.

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As a test, have you tried dowatch for the gunner to look at a test object/unit/logic? Place the object anywhere but north of the gunner.

If not, then try it with a static object and if that works then I can make a workaround (my self proclaimed specialty).

Otherwise I will make a note to test it at some later time.

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hm i dont know how the problem was solved, at least now it seems to work (i didnt change anything?)

the issue with the markerdir was: i getdirred the crew of the tank and not the tank himself (getdir commander tank1 -> 0)

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