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Replace screen loading?

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Hello scripters! wink_o.gif

One question... It's possible to change the background screen of the mission loading (the men and helicopter) for one made by me??

Thanks yours!!!

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Of course - but not thru mission editing wink_o.gif This rather goes in the config-section of editing.

You have to find either the according entry in the configs or replace the actual picture.

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Of course - but not thru mission editing wink_o.gif This rather goes in the config-section of editing.

You have to find either the according entry in the configs or replace the actual picture.

Thanks Manday!!!

I explain... I want to do in custom multiplayer mission, when the clients load the mission... they can see another background screen? yes?... then... post this in CONFIG Forum? huh.gif

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Don't bother. If noone will help you here I am sure a friendly moderator will move it for you.

Nonetheless: You got to know that this will not simply be done by a serverside-mod but rather all clients would have to d/l your mod manually. And even if they would have dowloaded it I doubt that it will only apply to your mission but rather will be changed for all missions.

So I think this is not what you want to achieve :> Sorry

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Thanks ManDay!!.. ok.. ok.. I understand... well... then without custom loading screen sad_o.gif ...

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Still, I think it's a really good idea and wouldnt be difficult to hardcode for BIS. So why don't you just go and request it somewhere? (Me, I dont know what would be the right place for that - BugTracker? Biki? Forum? - but I guess you'll find one)


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