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I created my ban.txt in the main arma directory. I typed #exec ban # .But no id was added to the ban file. How do i manually had the ids? Do i just put the id in like ######; or do i have to do id=#####;


Looks like you have to #exec ban "server id" So on the #userlist the number next to there name ie: 1 Ghost ######, "1" is the server id. And to manually edit the ban.txt you just find there game id by using #userlist and to the right of there name "########" you would just put that number in the file and for the next id make a new line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#######


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Your post confuses me a bit..

When you type #exec ban (server number) it will ban that person but you have to go back and add their player id to the ban.txt?

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When you type #exec ban (server number) it will ban that person but you have to go back and add their player id to the ban.txt?

I think what he means is to, let's say, unban them... you'd have to find their PID and delete it.

When you #exec ban 2, for example, it adds their real PID to the ban.txt file automatically if I'm not mistaken?

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It wall works now. Thank you both for responding. I thought that i had to use the Player ID. #exec ban # (# being to the left of the name when using #userlist) I tried it on myself and sure enough it worked and updated immediately.

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That is cool... I didnt know the exec ban added their real pid to the list.. and here I am exec banning them then looking through the net.log for their pid and adding it to the ban.txt.. lol

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