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assignAsDriver & orderGetIn

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This looks like a bug:

1. assign "unit1" as driver of "car1" (unit1 assignAsDriver car1)

2. let it get in (unit1 orderGetIn true)

3. before it gets in, make the player take the driver seat (using the vehicle's action)

- after step 3, the "unit1" won't get in "car1" as driver, even after the player moved himself to back seat or disembarked.

Actually, from this time, the unit can't get in ANY position of ANY vehicle (although the unit isn't completely stuck - it can move,fire,anything, except getting in vehicle).

Before you ask "why do you interrupt the AI getting in, by moving the player to driver position?" ...well, normaly i wouldn't do it on purpose, i am only testing this because it can happen (and as you can see, it can break the whole mission when it happens).

Am i doing something wrong? Or is it a bug?

Can i somehow overrule it when it happens? (i tried leaveVehicle, or unassignVehicle, but neither of them helped).

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Problem solved.

I found that issuing "[unit1] allowGetin false" and then again "[unit1] allowGetin true" will reset the unit's stuck get in action, so the next "assignAs..." and "orderGetIn" works again.

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