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Map Size

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Will we be able to make larger maps than the scale of Sahrani? My make for some good battle where aircraft can actually turn LOL

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Sahrani = 1024 x 20m cells.

Snake Man has release a 4096 cell map (although it is technically an OFP wrp format).

The cell size can be defined by the wrp maker (within limits?).

Although, if all you want to do is fly, there are many better flight sims than ArmA.

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Hmmm, as far as I can tell sara uses a 40m landgrid, not 20m.

From the sara config:

landGrid = 40;


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As I understand it, that is the terrain rvmat grid size, which is independent of the heightmap.

Each layer mask segment = 512-32 = 480 = 12 * 40m

Failing all that, look at the landscape near the coast road NW of Corazol, the points are definitely 20m apart.

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Actually not, OFP islands had landGrid = 50;, and they didn't use rvmat files.

Edit: Anyway....we are both wrong about the cell size....it is apparently 10m X 10m, in OFP it was 50m X 50m.


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