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GAU-8 on A10

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One other reason to not fire to long... Recoil!

The effect of firing the GAU 8 for a second knocks about 50kts off your speed, which in aircraft is not good.

It shouldnt cause a stall but i guess it depends on what speed your doing.

this is only an urban legend

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Quote[/b] ]On the GAU-8/A product homepage the recoil force is stated as 10,000 pounds-force, or about 45 kN, probably due to additional recoil from exhaust gas from the muzzle. The maximum combined output of the A-10 engines is 80 kN. Hence the recoil force of the gun is slightly more than half of the total thrust of the engines. While this is quite significant, it is not sufficient to stop the aircraft but it can noticeably slow the aircraft.

I know people's opinions differ on this but I hope most of us agree that the purpose of aircraft in ArmA is ground support and the purpose of ground vehicles is infantry support. Ultimately the entire focus of the game is on infantry and the vehicles have important but secondary supporting roles to this cause.

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this is only an urban legend

That the recoil will stop the aircraft - yes, thats an urban legend, but it will be slowed down somewhat. Read the link to wikipedia I posted above. [edit]Shadow was faster[/edit]

I actually asked a Hog driver at an airshow about this "urban legend" and all he said was: "Nah, it just rattles a bit". Now, before you jump on me for contradicting myself, my question was of course if the aircraft will be stopped and not slowed down, and he might have considered that knocking a couple of knots off of his airspeed were not worth mentioning. I'm also pretty sure these guys are trained to use short, controlled bursts and the effects on airspeed will therefore be negligible.


@Full Ack, Frederf. To be honest I've only tried the A-10 for a bit in the armory, no real action seen yet in it. And I doubt I will, I much prefer helicopters to fixed wing aircraft. Biggest gripe is that we can no longer set up the throttle for helis/jets like we could in OF:P. Pulling the throttle to increase thrust in a fixed wing a/c is kinda awkward and if I'd set it up to do what it should, heli flying would suffer sad_o.gif

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maybe i should retake my high school physics(which i return them to my teacher 5 years ago) as from last time i count that thing didnt knock of 50kts from that 1 secound shot huh.gif

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Even with the build in spread, it still should be tight enough to hit 80% at 1400m. If you want 80% in ArmA, you have to be dead close - 400m or so

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The recoil force was simulated in LOMAC. It was hardly noticeable if you fired in very short bursts, but it became noticeable if you shot longer bursts. It did slow you down, but never enough to stall you.

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