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Aircraft in general

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I don't know which patch made the controllability of aircraft better, because I installed them simultaneously, but now both chopper and planes are really enjoyable to fly. it is great being able to have proper dog fights with enemy jets, because I can easily control one and the lockon system works well, but it did in OFP. Also the Autopilot landing is a great feature, and finally the harrier is able to do vertical landings and takeoffs.

Another great improvement is now the laser designation system works well, which it didn't before.

One issue though, is I cant seem to make a pilot land then taxi and disembark, can this be done in the scripting somehow? Normally I specify a waypoint and assign "get out" as a type.

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To get the other pilot(s) to land and disembark from airplanes, you simply tell them/him pilot to 'disembark' if he's in your group. They will land at the airfield and get out. For helicopters, they will land where they are.

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