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Undercarriage Useless

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Think we are going to need some code to disable dampers and initiate true manual control of undercarriage.

- Undercarrriage dampers go fully extended on Raised Roadways (per pics)

- Undercarriage folds up by itself as you land on the carrier

- Placing a plane on the carrier deck is extremely difficult without damaging the plane (no consistency on safe height)

- Once safely placed on the carrier deck the undercarriage/gear will no longer retract after you take off (even if no damage apparent)

I think the extended dampers constitute a BUG, but the need to manual landing gear may not as OFP had a similar problem.

Hopefully the Config allows us to control.

All in all, making it VERY hard to release eddyDs retex'ed Kuznetsov.

Any suggestions appreciated.



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Quote[/b] ]Think we are going to need some code to disable dampers and initiate true manual control of undercarriage.

Yeah, but that will probably have to be implemented as config based scripts. In OFP most addon makers were happy to script their own landing gears. But scripting dampers based on things like proximity to roadway LOD's e.t.c is no mean feat.

I would be happy to disable dampers if it means they can operate from Aircraft Carriers.

Quote[/b] ]- Placing a plane on the carrier deck is extremely difficult without damaging the plane (no consistency on safe height)

Are you taking into account, the height of the waves when positioning the object? I think setpos is still affected by tides e.t.c

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Sorry, I did mean Config code also, not scripting smile_o.gif

But I'm not overly familar with the full damper config setup, so switching it off isn't easy just yet.

One question I do have (and we may not know the answer yet as we can't see the models); Is the "base" p3d modeled with the damper extended or compressed?

Yes, I suspected it was tide/waves, but its worse than OFP.

I must admit I didn't try SETPOSASL ..... that might work better.

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