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Can Pop-up target hits count on scores?

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Does anyone know if its possible to make a script to credit pop-up target hits count for scoring purposes?

 Im working on a "training" map that has both infantry pop-ups and tank "Target" objects and Id like to know how to credit each hit to the appropriate person who knocked it down/destroyed "Armored Target".

Any help from you amazing folks is appreciated.

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So does it know to addScore when the object is "hit" or "destroyed"?

How can I implement the addScore?

Do I do it in the objects editing fields or am I going to have to script it?

Thanks for your time.

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Use the Hit eventhandler to run some script which will addScore to the unit which shot the target.

You can attach it to the "pop-up target" object from within some script (for example from within the mission's init.sqf), or the object's init field.

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