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im sick of all these CS KIDDIES!!!

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they have no sense of teamwork at all!!

they spam the voice chat with their annoying 11 year old voices sayin shit liek AWW HEADSHOT BABY HEADSHOTTT

then sum of them will randomly start tkin everyone and go in a hissy fit

THEY PISS ME OFF banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif

BIS made a huge mistake by not putting enuff violence in teh game. if they put more violence and cursing then the game would be rated M for mature nd these little bitcheses wouldnt be playing

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if they put more violence and cursing then the game would be rated M for mature nd these little bitcheses wouldnt be playing

I wouldn't count on that. You wouldn't believe how many young people played FEAR online. Almost every kid has an older brother/sister/friend/etc who will be happy to go into the store for them, if their parents don't.

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The most you can do is make fun of them. wink_o.gif Anyways, I haven't heard any kids online yet.

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there are tons of them! well, stick with a kids free server(mainly coop) also help

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This thread serves no real purpose other than ranting and bashing a particular type of player. Im closing it, with the strong suggestion that these types of threads are not appropriate for this forum.

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