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Object moveincargo to Vehicle Proxy position

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A can't remember where I saw it, but I thought Ammo boxes could be loaded into trucks .....

Anyone know of any objects types (other than humans/AI) that can be moveincargo'ed into a vehicles cargo proxy ?

Will the "Thing" type load ?

I'm thinking this is a way to extend the size of a objects GEO LOD, make 1x 50 meter object (ie half a Ship)with a cargo proxy at one end, load another 50 meter "object" into it and you now have a 100 meter composite object.

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Quote[/b] ]I'm thinking this is a way to extend the size of a objects GEO LOD, make 1x 50 meter object (ie half a Ship)with a cargo proxy at one end, load another 50 meter "object" into it and you now have a 100 meter composite object.

No Ammo boxes can't be loaded into vehicles as default. They are just a fixed proxy with a hidden selection, it's all config and p3d based. Also don't use cargo proxies as external objects if you can avoid it, they have to many issues. Especially with missiles.

I would suggest you use standard proxies. But the Geometry LOD will not work that way, at least it didn't in OFP. Apparently the 50m size restriction is even more important now there is map streaming. So I doubt it will be lifted any time soon.

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Arhhhh .... thx UNN


It would be so nice to not have to script a separate bow or stern into place to make the large ship "whole" ...

Be nice if BIS even just provided a low level command that means you can SETPOS an object relative to another without having to run your own script loop.

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