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AddAction - use low priority value - syntax

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<span style='color:blue'>Recommendation:</span> This is a quick recommendation to all mission makers to start using the alternative syntax of AddAction with a priority of 0 (zero) for all low priority actions (which is most of them).

<span style='color:blue'>Scope:</span> This mainly applies to actions added to a player or vehicle, which are permanently present (to activate things like dialogs). It does not apply to remote objects that need interaction. (eg: switch on machine, talk to person, etc)

<span style='color:blue'>Alternative syntax:</span> Simply set the priority with (something like) the following extra parameters to your existing addAction calls:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[], 0, false, false, ""

so it looks like:

_obj addAction ["Action description", "Script.sqf", [], 0, false, false, ""];

<span style='color:blue'>Reason:</span> This will prevent these permanently present but non critical actions interfering with dynamically appearing and critical context sensitive actions like "Auto-Hover", "Eject", "Touch off 1 bomb(s)" and almost, any standard ArmA action.

The problem lies with the default syntax version of AddAction setting the priority to a high value by default and the delayed appearance of some action menu items. I'd rather see it fixed in ArmA itself, but until then.

I know most mission makers know about it, but it is not getting used enough and interferes with the proper use of the action menu. Hope this suggestion helps.

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