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MP SC 20_Streetfighter_Ortega

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It's multiplayer, sector control through the streets of Ortega.

East and West spawn at opposite ends of Ortega and have to capture the eight sectors (in order) spread out over a route through the town.

I should also mention it is infantry only, no vehicles, but there is an advanced respawn point should you get to your 4th flag , just to save your feet if you are doing well. smile_o.gif


You score points for each sector captured ,the further the flags from your spawn, the more points they are worth.

The winners being the highest score at the end of the selected time, or the capture of all eight flags.

This version was made with ArmA 1.07b.Should work with all versions.

Hope you enjoy, all criticisms / suggestions welcome.

Download> My Webpage


Kango [TZW]

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just a quick FYI, it's Ortego, not Ortega wink_o.gif

crazy_o.gif ..... whistle.gif


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i like it!

Are the sapwns protected???

Nope, didn't even think off that.

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