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Reserve Parachute

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Well, my idea is simple. If you bail out of a plane or jump out a helicopter, your parachute isn't always going to work flawlessly, sometimes it fails you have to pull your reserve.

I was thinking if this could be implemented in OFP somehow, maybe using the 'destroyed' parachute as a model for the tangled one, and creating a new model in O2 for the reserve.

And to pull your reserve, there would be an action on the menu of somewhere along 'Pull Reserve Chute'. Which would eject your regular parachute and replace it with the reserve model.

The reserve chute would fall faster and have a sharper turn than your regular chute and you would have a risk of injury, but you wouldn't die using it unless you were already near death. So, there's my idea, what do you think? confused_o.gif

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Theres been countless times where i have jumped from a plane or chopper and no chute has come out, i would have given anything for a reserve back then. I love the idea smile_o.gif

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