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The Corinthian

Converting OFP missions to Arma

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Hi guys

Back in the days of OFP I created a few long intense missions that my friends and I played co-op.

Now Arma is here I am looking to convert some of these missions over from OFP.

Before I start though I was wondering if any guys out there who have done it can give me a heads up as to the best way to go about it - ie should I start the whole thing from scratch in the editor or can I adapt the existing mission.sqm and description.ext files etc to give me a building block from which to start?

Finally if anyone knows of a mech addon for Arma I'd be much obliged...

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Hi the corinthian , just did something similar the other day , coverted some of the original missions from ofp i put a how to guide in the readme, its pretty easy, also mehman helped out by re- editing the missions and writing another how to in the thread , here is the thread link http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=63354

and here is my quote on how i did it "

How i did it ? Well first of all i tried to import the missions straight from ofp with no luck as they did not show up in the editor or the island was

water and all the men were swimming! ,so i depbo'ed the mission and and copy and pasted it into ArmA editor , still no luck it did not show up at all.

next i created a blank mission in Arma Editor on Everon 0.1 (by sgt ace) saved it as Reed101 battlefields , copied and pasted all content from the original depbo'ed c02battlefields

file sqm ect.. into the new Reed101 battlefields file , overwriting the sqm file , then i could see the new content in ArmA editor , i also had to delete the addons

needed from the original mission sqm file ,Bradley ,brdm, bmp2 , which i replaced with the Stryker Brdm and Bmp2 respectively! (in the editor not the sqm file) ,the mission won't preview in the

editor in ArmA so i had to create a exported mission to see if it worked and guess what? it did. I realise this is very amateur and i really dont know what

iam doing just hitting buttons and seeing if it works so if there are glaring faults , sorry , i did all i can , iam concept artist not a coder or addon maker

if it works for you great , maybe we can rival CWR and create another community CWR. wink_o.gif"

and here is Mehmans hope he does'nt mind

biggrin_o.gif "How I did it?

Easy, you get the mission, unpbo it, edit the mission.sqm file in notepad and replace the addons and autoaddons with ArmA default mission ones. Then you change the folder "extension" to the name of the island and load the mission up in the editor and check what's wrong. Every "error: missing SoldierWLAW" error means that there's something wrong in the sqm. So you use the biki with the infantry and vehicle classnames and then use the notepad replace function to find and replace the names of what needs to be replaced. If you hit something you're not sure what it is(Like HeavyGrenadier for the east side) you either replace it with a default soldier or something that you see fit. You also have to change ammo and weapon classnames because they've changed from OFP. If there are any scripts with the mission look out for commands within quotation marks and replace the quotation marks with {}(can't remember the names of these:P). That's what I've discovered so far. But to convert each mission it shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes, not including testing."

hope that helps mate.

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More, More, I say again, more, more, more yay.gifyay.gif Very nice just played both of em talk about a walk down memory lane notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif is there a way to do the missions that were actually apart of the campaign? As some of them were just ... awsome, or should i just for CWR. Either way gj!

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Thanks NeilReed

I've just upgraded the graphics card in my rig now and am no longer having hassles with running Armaso I am keen to convert some of the missions I did.

Once completed I'll post them for those who are interested...

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yeah man post em up , i just noticed ofman is creating kolgujev so bomberman might up soon tounge2.gif

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What do you mean? The first mission that I'll convert will be "Status quo", once RKSL Studio releases the Cessna... biggrin_o.gif

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