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Evolution Documentation

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Hi all,

im new to ArmA and please forgive if it has been said but I cannot find the whole documentation of Evolution.

In game, it took some time to find how to join a squad. Last night, someone told me to get a medic. I'm feeling as a complete n00b and i'd like to understand everythings in this game. I love that game but I don't really know how to do a lot of things in the game. Eg., I don't know if the ranks are keep on the server and if I'd have to play on the same server everyday....

Can anyone point me where I can find a complete documentation about it?

Thanks in advance

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The only documentation is in the briefing, Im pretty sure is mentions how to join a players squad in there but im sure there is a lot left unsaid too. When somone said get a medic they probably ment go to the recruitment building marked on your map and using your mouse wheel recruit an AI medic. For this you would need 30 points rank. Ranks stay on the server as long as the mission has not been restarted. Avarage mission lengths are 12 hours.

When your in the mission press M and flick thro the briefing you can change page and click on a number of hyperlinks that provide more info. Or just ask players what the deal is. The mission is not really as complicated as it first seems. I advice you join the squad of the best player and you will pick it up in no time.

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Well there isn't a documentation on the evolution map other than the info in the map menu ( when you are in the game press m ).

And you are talking about a medic. Well medic is something you chose when you join the server. There you can chose between different classes of soldiers. But in Evolution there is only 2 classes which you should care. Either a medic or not.

Spend some more time in the game and you will get the hang of it. Don't worry.

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Thanks a lot guys! Its greatly appreciated.

Cya soon ingame

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