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When is offtopic not offtopic

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Just wanted to know what other military games can be discussed in Offtopic? Description of Offtopic is quoted below:

"For discussions not strictly related to Operation Flashpoint. Topics should still be related in some way, for example: military, politics, science and other military games."

Hmmm. Other military games eh? Not wanting to pick away at something but it seems like you can talk about anything here as long as it's not one of those other two military games. I won't mention their names, but we all know which, in case it gets pulled of course. Can we have the description of Offtopic changed to match please as I didn't know that you couldn't discuss those other two games. I do now and won't mention them again, promise.

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I'm guessing this is because your VBS topic got locked, this forum has a no VBS discussion, end of, its stated else where on the forums.

Other military games are fine.

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Hi. Yes, I realise that now. Oh and thanks for actually qouting it, thereby guaranteeing it gets locked. ;-)

I have read, and re-read, the forum rules and never saw it mentioned anywhere that you can talk abouit any game except those two. I wonder why that is?

EDIT: Just read them again and I guess it could have been construed as "advertising". Fair do's! :-)

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Offtopic is not offtopic when it's ontopic.


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Offtopic is a section we have as a courtesy to the community. If we were more strict in enforcing it's usage, 3/4 of the threads would get locked. Remember, at the end of the day this is a privately owned, commercial forum.

We like to allow people a little leeway to help build a sense of community, but the final decision of what is and isn't allowed in OT rests with the moderators. If you have a problem with any specific topic being discussed, or not allowed to be discussed, feel free to PM a moderator about it.


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