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Third Person Toggle

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Now, lightly tapping the right mouse or double tapping or some combination of right mouse buttoning converts to third person. This is REALLY annoying when I am trying to report targets, or assign targets in a tank. But I also like being able to tap Numpad_Enter to use third person (not realistic, but I likes it tounge2.gif)

So is there a .ini setting or something that can turn off the right-mouse button shortcut?


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Wow. I feel pretty stupid, but I still can't quite find that option. All I have is the choice to enable or disable my joystick, set whether or not the y-axis is inverted, and change button assignments.

Any chance you can provide a bit more specific instructions for those of us who apparently got dropped on the head a few times too many as a child? Thanks.

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Options/Controls/Infantery Controls/Toggle View

It's in the lower half:


Hide Map

Toggle View

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Ah, thanks. I found what it (was actually optics, but whatever). I feel quite moronic, yet also quite happy. I am back to my happy place, thank you.

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