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OP Archangel (PvP convoy escort)

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This is a new game mode I made, convoy escort.

US players must escort convoy to the destination, and SLA must destroy the convoy. The convoy consists of 8 vehicles (2 Humvees, 4 Strykers, 2 M1A1s) The route the convoy takes is marked with dots on the map. IF at least 1 vehicle makes it through, US wins. SLA wins when ALL convoy vehicles are destroyed. *Make sure to kill the vehicle when it takes damage and the crew bails out. Its still considered 'alive' without the crew*

Respawn locations can be selected when you die, and delay is set to 20 seconds. (thanks to dr eyeball for the help!wink_o.gif

I played with a few of my clan buddies and here are some tips.

SLA players should set up ambushes AHEAD of the convoy. US players should divde in to 2 teams, a scouting team to spot out IEDs and VBIEDs and a convoy pampering team. Don't spawn camp.

Heres a DL link

Download Archangel.pbo

Please give me some feedback!

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Could be good mission if it would be without respawn.. crazy_o.gif

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Without the respawn, SLA players will only have one chance to attack, and kill the entire convoy. (Which is almost impossible)

It would also be boring for both sides to only have one bit of combat in the whole map.

With respawns, however, there's a constant threat and US forces have to maintain a constant state of suspicious alertness at all times, while the SLA guys could respawn and attack from a different town when the failed.

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