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nonamed mod released !

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i'm proud to present my humble mini-mod "nonamed"

(inspired by predator's mod "Modwar")

- no tracer for 5.56 & 5.45 ( M249 included )

- no tracer for SVD & M24 ( M240 & PK still have tracer )

- all non occular-mounted riffle see their ironsight FOV modified.

- all pistol ironsight FOV modified as well

- M4 aim has a full auto firing mod , instead of his old "2 bullet wastage mod"

FOV------> min , initial , max

before 100° 42° 22°

nonamed 70° 70° 60°

subtile changes, but usefull for urban combat. you can evolve with ironsight in urban zone without be shooted like a noob because this damn tight FOV...


I would thanks guy who published my mod on armedassault.info , i'm honored

ps:all opinions are welcome of course ...

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Very good work, that's exactly what I expected and I see you have passed the m4 in full auto.

good luck for future mods!

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oops , i forgot to mentionned it, but a tester got a problem with that. so it seem he sucked, ..if it works for you .

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link fixed...

no one hint me it wasnt working :|

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Is it possible to put the tracers on the M249 without putting them on the other 5.56? The same thing for the M240 because a sniper who fires tracers round is really unrealistic

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i think it's doable.

the problem is M240 & M24 use same ammo.

i saw a bullet variant _notracer include in config , and i think it can be used in this sniper riffle. the problem is that in this case , your magazine will not carry same ammo than other player. it can be considered like a big cheat .

whatever, i will try .

edit: what i have done so far, M24 doesnt have tracer , M240 have.

but i can't put them on M249 without get them enabled on other 5.56 riffle.

it need a new class of ammo. i think i can't simply create one.

new file uploaded , 1st link update too

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I don't understand why they didn't created another ammo class for the M249 because the machineguns use overcharged ammos and the fact to be able to put M16 magazines in the M249 is useless. I hope the M249 will have more powerful and proper tracers ammo.

Good job for the new version (could we have the changelog please).

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nice. I always thought why all weapons had tracers.. tracers are added to mag if people wat.

I like this. smile_o.gif

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the fact to be able to put M16 magazines in the M249 is useless.

I wholely disagree, I can count a number of times when someone has run out of ammo and needed it desperately. The M249 is an important member of the squad, and as such definitely needs that ability. Plus thats the whole point of having a 5.56mm SAW.

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Is it possible for you to include the converted Wolfbanes (i think) tracers that were put into ArmA? It might be a bit easier to do ammo classes that way cause you could detect what weapon was fired in the script. Just an idea.

Anyway I love the new FOV values, nice job.

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Holly Molly! I like this very much. not only is it one pbo and easier to implement, but the gl view is wonderful. be nice to have sights but this is a great start, and i can actually am now! You are a god im my book notworthy.gif I am still testing it out but one problem i found was on the 16m203, the burst only plays a single shot yet three rounds are fired. I will update you on anything else i might find. Thanks again for this. I mostly wanted out of a mod like this is what you gave us; no tracers except mgs, better fov and gl sites(view)


infact all burst m16s seem to have the issue mentioned. no burst sound i guess. I am going to guess you were trying to have individual shot sounds played so if one was at 2 rds left in mag only two bangs would be heard?


It seems any gun with burst doesnt play a sound after the first shot. m16s, g36s

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I don't have this kind of problem with the predator's sound mod, what is your version of arma and do you use any mod sound?

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