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A better explanation of the Prameters in desc.ext

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Can somewone clarify exactly how the time limit parameters in the description file work?  For example:

Quote[/b] ]titleParam1 = "Time limit:";

valuesParam1[] = {0, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600};

defValueParam1 = 1800;

textsParam1[] = {"Unlimited", "15 min", "30 min", "45 min", "1 Hour" };

Is the "Time limit" a variable name in the mission or just the title of the list to be selected?  And how exactly does the time limit execute an end to the mission?  How does the mission understand the value of the parameters selected.  Is it automatic or do I need to create a trigger for it?

And if I was to use this parameter feature for other things, such as weather, vehicles available, score limits, etc.  What is the proper syntax to use?

I realize this is a basic question, but my search yielded only basic answers such as the Ending # triggers and time-tracking scripts.

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Ok, titleParam1 is the title of the parameter shown in the unit selection screen of the mission, textParam1 is an array (list) of the options that will be shown in the unit selection screen, each option has a corrosponding value in valuesParam1. When one of the items from textsParam1 is selected, its value from valuesParam1 is given to the global variable Param1 in the mission. Param1 can be used just like any other variable, it will be equal to the value from valuesParam1 that corrosponds with the selected item from textsParam1. So, using your example, if "15 min" is selected for the mission, when the mission starts the variable Param1 will be equal to 900. Using that, the mission maker might have something in the init.sqs/.sqf that checks the value of Param1 and uses it to achieve the desired effect. defValueParam1 is the value of the item from textsParam1 that will be selected by default when the mission is loaded.

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Yes you have to make a trigger to end it when the time variable = the time selected.

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