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Can A.I. stupidities be related to CPU load?

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I have an old computer only a little bit above the system requirments.  I play with the default settings that were set when i installed ARMA, with the exception of the resolution (which i raised from 800X600 to 1024X724). As a result i get infrequent slowdowns but that's about it. Unfortunately i also get many A.I. glitches. (enemies in front of me not shooting at me, soldiers driving jerkily or totally lose path while driving etc' ) Could this be related to the load on my computer, or to the amount of free HD space (only about 1gig)?

P.S. The version i use is the U.S. one (Combat Operations).

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er,,,, yes. Imho insufficient cpu power is not the cause of ALL A.I. stupidity. But it is a factor. There are obvious bugs. Think about it. There is A.I. bugs needing fixes. There are game performance optimizations needing fixing.

If anything is taking away cpu cycles from the A.I., the A.I. is not gonna perform as well.

In Flashpoint I upgraded cpus 3 times. And in each saw the A.I. doing things/reacting etc that they were not doing with the lesser powered cpus. I have upgraded from a 5200+ to a 6000+ for ArmA, and have noticed the same thing.

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I could imagine that this would happen, but only if the CPU really is a bottleneck.


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Specs: Pentium 4 2.4, 1G of RAM, Radeon 9600PRO.

Should i lower the resolution back to 800X600?

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Looking at your specs, I`d get 1 more gig of ram, and a way better vid card. Alot of what you may be seeing is swapping to harddrive. And insufficient ram + the hard drive swapping would indeed result in what you are experiencing.

For now I`d say going back to 800X600x32 is a good idea. But an upgrade is in order. Especially the ram and vid card. Good luck.

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Specs: Pentium 4 2.4, 1G of RAM, Radeon 9600PRO.

Should i lower the resolution back to 800X600?

Your system is fine, before I upgraded I was playing on P4 3GHz 1gig ram and radeon9600xt[256mb], 12x10 resolution with low-medium settings.

I upgraded to E6300[dual core 1.86ghz], gig ram and x1950pro 256mb and the only difference is the graphics, AI is still stupid as it was on my old machine.

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Buying parts for this computer is pointless. It's almost four years old and i'm going to replace it as soon as affordable directx10 GFX cards roll out. As much as i hate playing on 800X600, i'll try it and let you know if it had any effect.

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