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When making a mission

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How do you get it so that you can equip what you want when you start the mission? (I'm talking about making a mission that I am making, not already existing missions)

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Some help:

0. Remember to switch to Advanced mode in OFP Editor

1. Create a mission and place a soldier (Black Op) on the map

2. Save the mission as test

3. Alt-Tab out of OFP and start windows explorer

4. Go to the directory <OFP_installation_dir>\user\<yourname>\mission\test

5. Right-click white-space select 'new' textdocument

6. Rename to equip.txt

7. doubleclick equip.txt (this should bring up notepad)

8. Write the following:

_plr = _this select 0

RemoveAllWeapons _plr

_plr AddMagazine "G36aMag"

_plr AddMagazine "G36aMag"

_plr AddMagazine "G36aMag"

_plr AddMagazine "LAWLauncher"

_plr AddMagazine "LAWLauncher"

_plr AddMagazine "LAWLauncher"

_plr AddWeapon "G36a"

_plr AddWeapon "LAWLauncher"

_plr AddWeapon "Binocular"

9. Save and exit

10. Rename equip.txt to equip.sqs

11. Alt-tab back to OFP

12. Edit the soldier you added in step 1.

13. In the init-field write: [this] exec "equip.sqs"

14. Hit preview ... and ... WOW!

Hope you get it!!! The script should first remove all weapons

from the player and then equip him with Binoculars, a G36 and a LAW + the corresponding ammo.

When you create missions you can call that script for every soldier you want to have this configuration by adding the line in step 13.

If what I wrote doesn't work (I'm don't have my OFP scripting library with me) email me ...

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If your talking about weapons selection at the gear screen:

What you need to do is make a description.ext file in the same folder as you mission.sqm file.

There is a tutorial here: Description.ext file description

It should show what code to use in the file to allow the selection of weapons at the breifing screen.

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Warning possible stupid/newbie question

Is it possble to change the loadout of Choppers/Planes in this manner? (i.e. give them the rockets from the AA launcher?)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Warning possible stupid/newbie question

Is it possble to change the loadout of Choppers/Planes in this manner? (i.e. give them the rockets from the AA launcher?)<span id='postcolor'>

*LOL* Yeah, it is.

In response to a related question, I wrote a script to create a cessna and add some stingers to it.  It worked! You won't actually see any weapon pods on a cessna, all the craft will still look the same as before, but my pissy little cessna was loaded for bear and did fire the missiles.

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confused.gif I have gone trhoug what I think is all the post about loadout and description.ext in this forum.

The Q1: how do I edit loadout?

This is answered several times and ref to ofpeditingcenter tutorial are shown. If anyone try it I think they will be disappointed. There are some ";" errors there and so on, and they don't address Q2 and Q3.

Q2: How do I make adjustment in the loadout and make it count for all MP players.

This hasn't been decent answered. Workaround with different group leaders before join seem to be the only answer.

Q3: How do I make sure that East weapon only can be selected by the East team, and vice versa - West weapon for the West team. This hasn't been answered.

Can BIS help with Q2 and Q3 please

Vennlig hilsen

Řyvind Husum

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