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operation madman

arma beta patch 1.07

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When i tried to install it it show this in the box were it installs.below me is what it said.

Please be patient. This update may appear to take a long time to complete. It is updating and installing very large data.

European DVD Version

Verifying ArmA: Armed Assault, version 1.07...

File AddOns\animals.pbo is missing.

Some error occurred during patch installation.

Patch file is probably dammaged. You may need to download it again.

Error in file 1.07, phase 10.

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I've downloaded the patch from three different mirrors and I get the exact same message when I try to install it.

I'm using the US release by Atari (the boxed DVD, not the download.)

Has anyone been able to patch the Atari DVD up to 1.07?

I've either had bad luck downloading corrupted patches or 1.07 beta just won't install on the Atari DVD version. I would appreciate any help troubleshooting this one, as I'm sure Madman would like to know if the Euro DVD can be patched as well.

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I have successfully installed beta patches to Atari's DVD version and to Morphicon's download versions.

Have you replaced any original addons with modded ones? This may be the issues you are having.

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Thanks for the quick reply awins.

No, I haven't replaced any original addons. I guess I've just had bad luck with corrupted downloads. Perhaps madman and I have gotten the same bad download, since we got the same mssg and we're using two different versions.

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I had this same problem but it still ended up working. Just make sure you are using the arma beta exe and not the original 1.05 exe. The beta exe is in the arma directory.

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I've downloaded 1.07 (not the hotfix) from the armaholics mirror and it installed without any noticeable problem.

But, when I try to run it from the .exe in the beta file, I get this message: "This application has failed to start because IFC22.dll was not found. Re-installing this application may fix this problem."

When I try to run it from a desktop shortcut using the "-mod=beta" appended to the normal shortcut, I get this message: "Error compiling pixel shader PSWhite"

Has anyone seen this before? And if so, is there a fix?

If it helps, I'm running XP sp2 and Arma is installed in the (default) C: Program Files/Atari/ArmA/ directory.

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I have the Atari DVD and am having similar problems. I had the missing DLL problem and am missing some plants.pbo file (not exact name of the file, not near my machine)

I am running a new install on a newly built box running Vista 64bit with the latest nvidia beta graphics drivers.

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