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linux, wine and arma?

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i have tried to get the dedi server up and running with wine...have tried everything to no avail.

has anybody been able to get this to work?

the copy protection is getting in the way.

cedega? i dont know, have not used it in a year or so.

anybody know how to get around the copy protectoin

wait wait wait mr. moderator...i dont want to pirate the game, just need to get my server back up and all i have left is a handful of linux boxes that can no longer be down graded to winbloz.

plus trying to add patches and stuff to a windows server is harder than it should be (aka harder than in linux).

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Only way you could get it working is to use same methods warez-guys use... but I think those can't be discussed here.

Your best bet is to wait for proper linux dedicated.

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