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Weird issue with custom sound

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I´ve run into a really weird issue with custom sounds I want to use in my mission.

Here is the excerpt from the description.ext:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {track1, stones1, wind1, wind2, windtrees, beast};

class track1


name = "track1";

sound[] = {"track1.ogg", db+30, 1.0};

titles[] =





class stones1


name = "stones1";

sound[] = {"stones1.ogg", db+20, 1.0};

titles[] =






Here is the "stones1.ogg":

sound used in mission

It´s 44kHz, 16 Bit Mono but simply refuses to play in Arma.

I have a longer track with the same settings and it plays with no problem and have tried almost everything to get it to work.I even inserted silence to the sample to make it longer.

It doesn´t give me an error in Arma and the sound is listed in trigger selections but I don´t hear anything.

If I wouldn´t know better I´d say it´s a problem with the sample format but it should be ok.

Anybody can check pls ?

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Working with SoundForge 8.0 I am not sure if this could be

the problem:

Does Arma need a constant bitrate for the sounds used ingame ?


Rewrote the whole description.ext

Although there was no syntax error in it afaik it seems to work now.

I still don´t know the reason why though.

What I often had where "ghosting" remains of the old description.ext that seemed to be resident in the memory although I completely reloaded the mission accompanied by loading another mission after editing the description.ext.

It seems to me that remains didn´t get totally deleted after loading the new description.ext which is imo a bug that has to be taken care of by BIS. It´s hard to reproduce as it didn´t happen always but for example after editing the description.ext and loading another mission into the editor just to make sure and then reloading the mission with the new description.ext it gave my errors of missing things that were neither in the mission, nor in the description.ext any more. I have to assume that it was stored somewhere in the memory and not updated correctly when loading the missionset again.

Really weird error. Alll that testing and working was literally just for the bin.

I am not really a newbie to OFP/Arma editing but something like this has never happened to me before so I really have to assume it´s a bug within Arma editor for some reason.

Soveld now...for now. confused_o.gif

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