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CTF Moan, if you dont like please move on

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I did post this somwhere else, but added it to a thread by mistake. I decided to make it a single thread instead, so that as an old Ofp player i could say to the AA players what OFP players problems are.

Can i just say "CTF" in ofp was all about speed, skill, and not somthing slowed down like AA is now. You needed that speed and skill in ofp, to make you stand out as a very good individual player.

Armed Assault, the movment is just to slow.

OFP. I used to be able to run for a flag, kill the defender, and then maybe 4 to 5 guys in quick succession before returning with the flag. This "BTW" is what made Ofp so good.

Yes i do still play this game (after all i did pay for it) but it really never has had me hooked. Why? well because it lacks the speed that ofp had, and well now, its just a big camp CTF map depending on the size of the map.

I bought this game and had to get somthing out of it. I play only hold maps now. I feel sorry for those who are looking for an Ofp CTF experience, but the rest is good.

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MODedit: as i see nothing related to troubleshooting theme, closing until further decision ...

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