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two people talk

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I am trying to make two people talk with the white large text. I know that \n start a new line in the paragraph, but how would you start a whole new paragraph for each person while talking Back and forth??

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it would be best to use a script.....

if you mean you want two people talking but the first persons speech to disappear ready for the other then use a little script like this.....

<span style='color:red'>titletext ["hello! matey!", "plain", 2]


titletext ["**** off!", "plain", 2]


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I don't understand why learning and using scripts for such simple matters; when creating a dialogue (misspelled?) I just make loads of triggers with different delays. In the triggers I choose camera positons with the menus, without scripting, and to place the camera more accurate - again without scripting - i use Game Logic (Activiation-Game Logic-Present).

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