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Change DoF with Camera.sqs?

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Modify camera.sqs?

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How can you modify a script that is not attached to your mission?

Isn't camera.sqs in the ArmA engine itself?

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I bet the script can be found from some PBO. I was thinking maybe you can have a look at it and see if you can modify it to achieve what you want.

...or on the other hand... what are you doing? Are you talking about making a cutscene into your mission? You would then only use the camera.sqs to get the camera locations, which you then use in your cutscene script? If that is the case then my tip doesn't help. Maybe don't talk about camera.sqs next time if that is not what you mean smile_o.gif

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Using a free camera. (Init: This Exec "Camera.sqs") -- It's for a scene in a film I'm making.

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I am quite sure you must use the available scripting commands in your cutscene script, instead of thinking you could achieve it using the camera.sqs script. As I am aware, camera.sqs is only useful in mission editing for getting all the different camera positions which you can then insert into your cutscene script, and make your camera go to those positions. Correct me if I am wrong.

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This isn't for a cutscene in a mission.. This is for a movie.. an AVI movie, not a .Intro/Mission/.sqm/ none of that. I know theres a way, I saw a video not to long ago showing this.

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