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Repetitive countdown

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I'm editing a mission that appears simple but the ttrigger needed is not :s

2 camps must hold a small town (Bonanza) for 2 minutes. When a camp enters the town, a countdown starts, and if an enemy enters the town, the countdown stops. When the threat is destroyed, the countdown starts over...

It seems easy but I can't figure out how to handle this with the triggers???

Has someone solved that kind of problem already?

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You cant solve it with triggers cause you need to use 2 triggers, a publicvarable and a script that countsdown and checks the variable.

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And someone has already written such a script ? :s

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In your trigger for the camp present, in the OnAct put []exec "hold.sqs" . Name the script below hold.sqs.

Make another trigger for the enemy present and in the OnAct field put                 threat = 1;publicvariable "threat"

In the DeAct field put               threat = 0;publicvariable "threat"

Make an init.sqs and put this in.....

threat = 0

publicvariable "threat"

The script below will start a count when you enter the trigger and check for enemy in the trigger every 5 seconds for 2 mins.

;hold.sqs 2 minute countdown with a check for enemy every 5 sec.



_count = 0

?threat == 0 : goto "countdown"

goto :loop"



?_count == 24 : goto "done"

?threat == 1 : goto "loop"


?threat == 1 : goto "loop"

?threat == 0 : goto "countdown"

_count = _count + 1



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Wow, thanx alot, that's exactly what I was looking for, I'm trying it right away smile_o.gif

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